We love designing books! We’ve done cook books, instruction manuals and our favorite… big, beautiful coffee-table books.

Website Design
We design websites that work for our clients 24/7. We strive for great looking sites that capture the spirit of the company, are easy to navigate and easy to use… plus bring our customers new business!

Studio Photography
Beautiful objects photographed beautifully! Whether it’s a hand-carved work of art, mouth-watering desserts or high-tech computer components, we can make it jump off the page.

Logo Design and Corporate Identity
We have designed logos for businesses both large and small. Many are based in Hawaii, like this logo that was done for Harbor Court, a condominium tower overlooking Honolulu Harbor.

Lifestyle Photography
Life in Hawaii… we capture it for our clients. Lifestyle, business and beautiful people.

Print Design
We design mailers, newsletters, booklets, cards and even the occasional newspaper ad. These fun cards were done for the Hawaiian Humane Society. Who can resist cute kitties and soulful dogs?